Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alabama Postcard: YMCA Camp Cha-La-Kee

I'm not sure how I acquired this postcard, but here we are. Camp Cha-La-Kee is a YMCA facility that opened on Lake Guntersville in 1957. You can click on that link to explore their programs.

This card probably dates from the 1950s, and was printed by the Artvue Post Card Company on Fifth Avenue in New York City. The company opened in 1948 and during the 1950s sold many black and white postcards instead of the more popular color cards. Between 1951 and 1963 the company issued a series of cards featuring the plaques of members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

Wikipedia has a nice history of postcards here

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Missiles at Redstone Arsenal in the 1950s

Recently I was going through some old family photos at mom's house in Huntsville and found a batch that included the ones below. Dad probably took them in the late 1950s or early 1960s. In fact, the same group developed at Walgreen Drugs [see cover at the end of the post] included ice storm photos that I suspect are from the March 2, 1960 event described here. One day I'll have to do a piece on those photos. 

My dad Amos J. Wright, Jr., was a civilian employee of the Army at Redstone Arsenal for many years. He retired on December 31, 1983, as Chief of the Systems Design, Programming and Integrative Division, U.S. Army Missile Command. I guess in 1960 one could roam the Arsenal taking photographs of whatever caught the eye. I have no idea why dad photographed so many of these U.S. Army missiles; perhaps it was a display for employees or the general public. 

I also have no idea, with two exceptions you can see below, which missiles these are. At least one [and perhaps more] is included in this listing. If you recognize any, please let us know in the comments. 

Is this one the antitank DART? More information is at the Wikipedia entry.

I did manage to identify this missile, the Lacrosse. Almost 1200 of the weapons were produced and deployed, but the project finally ended in the early 1960s when technical difficulties could not solved. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Six Thousand Attend Birmingham Rally in 1935

For more than a year now my brother Richard and I have been conducting a deep dive into the massive amount of family memorabilia at mom's house in Huntsville. Much of it comes from dad's parents, Rosa Mae and Amos J. Wright, Sr., who lived in the Gadsden. I've previously written about my grandfather's World War I army training at Auburn and the contents of their daughter Beulah Vee's cedar chest. 

In a recent round of exploration, we've found a lot of material related to Amos Sr.'s years working for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. According to an entry in one of Rosa Mae's journals, he began his employment with L&N on May 15, 1923, and retired September 1, 1962.He was a yard foreman for many of those thirty-nine years. 

One item we found was the October 1935 issue of the railroad's employee magazine. Inside was an article titled "Six Thousand Attend Birmingham Rally". So what was that all about?

On September 26, 1935, the L & N Railroad held its third in a series of rallies in cities along its rail system. The event took place at the Municipal Auditorium n Birmingham. Both Vice-President T.E. Brooks and President James B. Hill addressed the 6000 employees and family members in attendance. Brooks had served for many years as division superintendent in Birmingham.

The anonymous author noted that the purpose was primarily one of entertainment, but apparently Hill had some extensive remarks before the fun. He noted that the "railroads are almost completely regulated in everything they do" unlike competitive forms of transportation by road, air and water. Plus, almost 7.5% of gross earnings were paid in taxes. Remember that in 1935 the nation was in the depths of the Great Depression.

The article does include a portrait of the L & N Railroad both nationally and in Alabama at that time. President Hill noted in his remarks that L & N operated in 13 states with 26,000 employees, 5000 miles of track, 1000 locomotives, over 50,000 freight cars and more than 700 passenger cars. In Alabama 4700 people worked for L & N, which paid $776,000 in taxes to the state, $350,000 of which went to schools.

So what about that entertainment? "Talented members of the L & N family entertained the large audience with 17 acts that would have done credit to the best vaudeville circuit," wrote the author. Most of them were from Birmingham or Boyles, a community that no longer exists but was the site of L & N's Boyles Yard. Others came from Kentucky. The audience enjoyed a piano trio, tenor solos, a tap dance, and baritone solos. Two male employees "provided many laughs with their blackface act."

Black employees appeared in "Darktown Strutters" accompanied by a pianist. "The finale featured the  Southland Colored Ensemble and Quartette, fifty voices directed by Paul Cooper." the author wrote. "This chorus was composed of many colored employes [sic] at Boyles and members of their families. They rendered an enjoyable selection of spirituals and melodies."

I don't know if my grandparents from Gadsden attended this rally, but perhaps they did. 

My grandfather Amos J. Wright, Sr., is on the left posing with his crew in the Gadsden L&N railroad yard sometime in the 1930s. 

Birmingham's Municipal Auditorium ca. 1937. The facility was later renamed Boutwell Auditorium after Albert Boutwell who was mayor from 1963 until 1967. 

Source: BhamWiki

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Branch Books in Hartselle

On June 24 my brother Richard and I made our way to Hartselle to check out a used bookstore new to us, Branch Books. We do that sort of thing when we can. We were not disappointed by the visit. 

The store has two large rooms and a few small ones filled with tall, stuffed shelves. As you can see from some of the photos there are numerous sections, including some not shown such as children's, rare and vintage books and westerns.

Naturally Richard and I picked up some goodies. I was especially glad to find several Erle Stanley Gardner's Perry Mason novels and a couple of John Creasey's adventure novels featuring The Toff, an English upper class sleuth. 

A second store by the same name has recently opened in Cullman. The Hartselle store's Facebook page is here. The prices are good and selection large, so I recommend a visit if you are in the area. 

I've written a number of blog posts about Alabama bookstores past and present. There's even a blog post linking to many of them. I've also posted about a "quick visit" to Hartselle. 

A few more comments are below. 

Richard is looking for some Travis McGee novels by John D. MacDonald that he hasn't read. We're both making our way through those books. 

The store has a science fiction, fantasy and horror room.

There's even a Christmas section!

Of course, I had to check out the Alabama & Local Authors section.