Showing posts with label April Fool's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April Fool's. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Underground in Huntsville April 1975

My brother Richard and I were recently at mom's house in Huntsville, and he found this newsletter while exploring some papers from his days at Grissom High School. This tongue-in-cheek publication seems to be a one-off issue for April Fool's in 1975. But who knows?

The long item on page 1,"Suspenders Snap at Students for Illicit Literature"  includes a call for submissions from students and faculty and mentions "here at Grissom." In the piece on the upper left of the back page, meant to be an acknowledgement of "Our Infectious Staff", the names Tom Watson and Marc Smith are given. Watson was one of Richard's best friends in high school.

Between these two bits of reality, high school humor abounds. Some of it is actually funny. Read and decide for yourself! 

This publication came forth at the old Grissom High School; I've done a blog post on that facility. I've  also written one about April Fool's at Auburn University in 1962. The things these high school and college students of yore get up to!


Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool's at Auburn University in 1962

I discuss all sorts of historical matters on this blog, but never one as serious as the subject of this particular posting. Here's what those crazy college kids at my Alma mater were up to eight years before I arrived. 

Below are some selections from the April Fool's Day issue of the Auburn Plainsman in 1962. You can see the entire issue here
