Sunday, July 21, 2024

Missiles at Redstone Arsenal in the 1950s

Recently I was going through some old family photos at mom's house in Huntsville and found a batch that included the ones below. Dad probably took them in the late 1950s or early 1960s. In fact, the same group developed at Walgreen Drugs [see cover at the end of the post] included ice storm photos that I suspect are from the March 2, 1960 event described here. One day I'll have to do a piece on those photos. 

My dad Amos J. Wright, Jr., was a civilian employee of the Army at Redstone Arsenal for many years. He retired on December 31, 1983, as Chief of the Systems Design, Programming and Integrative Division, U.S. Army Missile Command. I guess in 1960 one could roam the Arsenal taking photographs of whatever caught the eye. I have no idea why dad photographed so many of these U.S. Army missiles; perhaps it was a display for employees or the general public. 

I also have no idea, with two exceptions you can see below, which missiles these are. At least one [and perhaps more] is included in this listing. If you recognize any, please let us know in the comments. 

Is this one the antitank DART? More information is at the Wikipedia entry.

I did manage to identify this missile, the Lacrosse. Almost 1200 of the weapons were produced and deployed, but the project finally ended in the early 1960s when technical difficulties could not solved. 

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